
Shala (शाला).
Shala is a Temple.
It is a place where you do your spiritual practice. It should be respected because this is where we touch lives and where transformations happen.

Why Choose Us?

Authenticity is very important to us.

We teach traditional Hatha Yoga. Our courses are not just exercise courses. We don’t only teach you how to transform your body. We teach you how to transform your life by giving you Yogic tools to discipline your body, your breath, your senses and your mind

Your life of Yoga


Praguna Yoga Shala

  • Silence is mandatory in Yoga Shala (Practice area), dormitory area and during the meal.
  • Absolute silence is to be observed on “Silence days”.
  • No electronic gadgets should be used in the Shala or dormitory. For study purposes one can use a laptop, an iPad or Kindle but it  should not disturb anyone else in the dormitory.
  • Decent clothing is mandatory. Transparent clothes, backless, sleeveless, shorts above the knee are not allowed in the Ashram.
  • Punctuality to all classes is mandatory. In case of medical issues, students are required to inform the teacher immediately.
  • Before leaving the dormitory or Yoga Shala, always make sure the lights and fans have been turned off.
  • Students are allowed to leave the Ashram on Sunday to buy necessary items from the village or Mysore city.
  • Students should always check out before leaving and check in upon return in the register.
  • Pillows or blankets should always be taken back to the dormitory if you brought them to Yoga Shala for any practice class.
  • All the props (sticks, blocks, back-benders, straps, stools, chairs) should be put back to their places after the class.
  • Toilet paper or plastic should NOT be flushed to the toilets, use buckets provided instead.
  • Don’t leave your Yoga mat or notebook lying around without supervision.
  • Please do not interrupt the class. If you have any suggestions, doubts or complaints please discuss them with the Yogacharya during  the break between the classes.
  • Once entered to Yoga Shala, students must behave decently and communicate as silently as possible.
  • Hugging, loud speaking, using abusive language are strictly prohibited inside the Shala.
  • Any form of intoxication is strictly forbidden.

What we do


TTC 200

Traditional Hatha Yoga

Surya Namaskara


Basic Hatha flow.



Other Hatha Yogic Kriyas

Basic Anatomy and Physiology of different systems

Basic Ayurveda

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

TTC 300

Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

Yogic Sthula Vyayama 1 & 2

Surya Namaskara

Hatha Flow (Specially designed by Kadambari)

More than 30 Asanas (Basic, Intermediate and Advance.)

Hip opening

Shoulder opening

Special Backbending Class

Special Core Strengthening Class


Yoga Nidra

Artistic Yoga

Artistic Sukshma and Sthula Vyayama

Artistic Surya Namaskara

Artistic Asanas

Therapeutic Yoga

Digestive Disorders

Respiratory Disorders

Muscular skeletal disorders

Cardio vascular Disorders

Surrender is the ultimate way